- Y. Xiong, J. Zhou, X. Cao, S. Cui, H. Jiang, and Y. Feng, “Highly Discriminative Amplification of a Single Frequency Comb Line,” Laser Photon. Rev. 2300769 (2023).
- X. Cao, J. Zhou, Z. Cheng, S. Li, and Y. Feng, “GHz Figure-9 Er-Doped Optical Frequency Comb Based on Nested Fiber Ring Resonators,” Laser Photon. Rev. 17, 2300537 (2023).
- Y. Liu, C. Zhu, Y. Sun, R. P. Mildren, Z. Bai, B. Zhang, W. Chen, D. Chen, M. Li, X. Yang, and Y. Feng, “High-power free-running single-longitudinal-mode diamond Raman laser enabled by suppressing parasitic stimulated Brillouin scattering,” High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 11, e72 (2023).
- C. Zhu, X. Yang, Y. Liu, M. Li, Y. Sun, W. You, P. Dong, D. Chen, Y. Feng, and W. Chen, “A Linearly Polarized Wavelength-Tunable Q-Switched Fiber Laser with a Narrow Spectral Bandwidth of 112 MHz,” Sensors 23, 5128 (2023).
- Xin Li, Jiaqi Zhou, Zhi Cheng, Xinru Cao, Weiao Qi, Sha Li, Shuzhen Cui, Huawei Jiang, and Yan Feng, “Generation of 978 nm dispersion-managed solitons from a polarization-maintaining Yb-doped figure-of-9 fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 48, 3051-3054 (2023)
- J. Feng, X. Cheng, H. Jiang, and Y. Feng, “45 W single frequency Er:Yb co-doped fiber amplifier at 1530 nm,” Opt. Fiber Technol. 77, 103282 (2023).
- X. Zeng, S. Cui, H. Jiang, B. Ruan, X. Cheng, J. Zhou, Z. Lin, X. Yang, W. Chen, and Y. Feng, “Single-frequency upconverted laser generation by phase summation,” High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 11, e18 (2023).
- Bowen Ruan, Xin Zeng, and Yan Feng, “Modeling of a second harmonic spectrum in passive phase demodulation,” Appl. Opt. 62, 2809-2814 (2023)
- Weiao Qi, Jiaqi Zhou, Xinru Cao, Zhi Cheng, Sha Li, Huawei Jiang, Shuzhen Cui, and Yan Feng, “Generation of 1.3 µm femtosecond pulses by cascaded nonlinear optical gain modulation in phosphosilicate fiber,” Opt. Lett. 48, 1698-1701 (2023)
- Zhiquan Lin, Shuzhen Cui, Huawei Jiang, Xin Zeng, Xuezong Yang, Dijun Chen, Yan Feng, and Weibiao Chen, “Efficient single-frequency 972 nm Yb-doped fiber amplifier with core pumping and elevated temperature,” Opt. Express 31, 10019-10026 (2023)
- Muye Li, Xuezong yang, Yuxiang Sun, Huawei Jiang, Richard P. Mildren, Ondrej Kitzler, David J. Spence, and Yan feng, “Secondary Raman and Brillouin mode suppression in two- and three-mirror-cavity diamond Raman lasers,” Opt. Express 31, 8622-8631 (2023)
- X. Cheng, Z. Lin, X. Yang, S. Cui, X. Zeng, H. Jiang, and Y. Feng, “High-power 1560 nm single-frequency erbium fiber amplifier core-pumped at 1480 nm,” High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 11, e3 (2023).
- Sha Li, Xin Zeng, Jiaqi Zhou, Zhi Cheng, and Yan Feng, “Polarization and longitudinal modes of Möbius fiber ring lasers,” Optica 9, 1394–1400 (2022).
- J. Zhou, W. Pan, W. Qi, X. Cao, Z. Cheng, and Y. Feng, “Ultrafast Raman fiber laser: a review and prospect,” PhotoniX 3, Article number 18 (2022).
- W. Qi, J. Zhou, X. Cao, Z. Cheng, H. Jiang, S. Cui, and Y. Feng, “Numerical simulation of nonlinear optical gain modulation in a Raman fiber amplifier,” Opt. Express 30, 34848-34861 (2022).
- S. Cui, X. Zeng, H. Jiang, X. Cheng, X. Yang, J. Zhou, and Y. Feng, “Robust single-frequency 589 nm fiber laser based on phase modulation and passive demodulation,” Opt. Express 30, 9112-9118 (2022).
- W. Qi, J. Zhou, X. Cao, Z. Cheng, H. Jiang, S. Cui, and Y. Feng, “Cascaded nonlinear optical gain modulation for coherent femtosecond pulse generation,” Opt. Express 30, 8889-8897 (2022).
- Y. Liu, W. You, C. Zhu, M. Li, Y. Sun, X. Yin, D. Chen, Y. Feng, W. Chen, and X. Yang, “A review of ns-pulsed Raman lasers based on diamond crystal,” Front. Phys. 10, 1153 (2022).
- Y. Sun, M. Li, O. Kitzler, R. P. Mildren, Z. Bai, H. Zhang, J. Lu, Y. Feng, and X. Yang, “Stable high-efficiency continuous-wave diamond Raman laser at 1178 nm,” Laser Phys. Lett. 19, 125001 (2022).
- Y. Sun, M. Li, R. P. Mildren, Z. Bai, H. Zhang, J. Lu, Y. Feng, and X. Yang, “High-power continuous-wave single-frequency diamond Raman laser at 1178 nm,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 141104 (2022).
- Y. Chen, J. Liu, X. Zhu, M. Wang, X. Yang, Y. Feng, X. Chen, and W. Chen, “Intracavity frequency-doubled pulsed diamond Raman laser emitting at 620 nm,” Appl. Phys. B Lasers Opt. 128, 1–5 (2022).
- J. Feng, J. Zhou, J. Xu, Y. Feng, and X. Zeng, “Generating Femtosecond Vortex Beams Based on Broadband LPFG in Figure-9 Mode-Locked Fiber Laser,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 34, 625–628 (2022).
- Z. Lin, Y. Feng, D. Chen, and W. Chen, “Laser Performance of Nd-Doped Fiber Laser at 1120 nm,” IEEE Photonics J. 14, 1533904 (2022).
- X. Zhu, F. Yu, D. Wu, Y. Feng, S. Chen, Y. Jiang, and L. Hu, “Low-threshold continuous operation of fiber gas Raman laser based on large-core anti-resonant hollow-core fiber,” Chinese Opt. Lett. Vol. 20, Issue 7, pp. 071401 (2022).
- X. Cheng, J. Dong, X. Zeng, J. Zhou, S. Cui, W. Qi, Z. Lin, H. Jiang, and Y. Feng, “130 W continuous-wave supercontinuum generation within a random Raman fiber laser,” Opt. Fiber Technol. 68, 102825 (2022).
- J. Zhou, W. Qi, X. Zeng, X. Cheng, H. Jiang, S. Cui, and Y. Feng, “All-Polarization-Maintaining, Ultra-Compact Tm-Doped Fiber Laser Designed for Mid-Infrared Comb,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 34, 89–92 (2022).
- W. Qi, J. Zhou, S. Cui, X. Cheng, X. Zeng, and Y. Feng, “Femtosecond Pulse Generation by Nonlinear Optical Gain Modulation,” Adv. Photonics Res. 3, 2100255 (2022).
- X. Zeng, S. Cui, X. Cheng, and Y. Feng, “Spectral compression by phase doubling in second harmonic generation,” Opt. Lett. 47(2), pp. 222-225 (2022).
- Xuezong Yang, Zhenxu Bai, Dijun Chen, Weibiao Chen, Yan Feng, and Richard P. Mildren, “Widely-tunable single-frequency diamond Raman laser,” Opt. Express 29, 29449-29457 (2021).
- X. Yang, Z. Bai, H. Jiang, R. P. Mildren, and Y. Feng, “A Narrow-Linewidth Linearly Polarized 1018-nm Fiber Source for Pumping Diamond Raman Laser,” Front. Phys. 9, 727109 (2021).
- Y. Duan, J. Zhou, L. Wang, Y. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Feng, L. Liu, and T. Li, “Dissipative solitons in a compact Er-doped all-fiber figure-of-9 laser,” Opt. Fiber Technol. 64, 102550 (2021).
- S. Cui, J. Qian, X. Zeng, X. Cheng, X. Gu, and Y. Feng, “A watt-level yellow random laser via single-pass frequency doubling of a random Raman fiber laser,” Opt. Fiber Technol. 64, 102552 (2021).
- Xin Cheng, Shuzhen Cui, Xin Zeng, Jiaqi Zhou, and Yan Feng, “Spectral and RIN properties of a single-frequency Raman fiber amplifier co-pumped by ASE source,” Opt. Express 29, 15764-15771 (2021)
- Zhi Cheng, Mariusz Klimczak, Ryszard Buczyński, Jian Kong, Xiahui Tang, Ming Tang, Yan Feng, and Luming Zhao, “Period doubling and merging of multiple dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in a fiber laser,” Appl. Opt. 60, 3322-3326 (2021).
- X. Zeng, S. Cui, xin cheng, J. Zhou, W. Qi, and Y. Feng, “Resonant frequency doubling of phase-modulation-generated few-frequency fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 45(17), 4944–4947 (2020).
- Jiaqi Zhou, Weiao Qi, Weiwei Pan, and Yan Feng, “Dissipative soliton generation from a large anomalous dispersion ytterbium-doped fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 45, 5768-5771 (2020)
- Jiaqi Zhou, Weiwei Pan, and Yan Feng, “Period multiplication in mode-locked figure-of-9 fiber lasers,” Opt. Express 28, 17424-17433 (2020).
- X. Zeng, S. Cui, J. Qian, X. Cheng, J. Dong, J. Zhou, Z. Xu, and Y. Feng, “10 W low-noise green laser generation by the single-pass frequency doubling of a single-frequency fiber amplifier,” Laser Phys. 30(7), 6 (2020).
- X. Yang, O. Kitzler, D. Spence, Z. Bai, Y. Feng, and R. Mildren, “Diamond Sodium Guide Star Laser,” Opt. Lett. 45(7), 1898–1901 (2020).
- X. Cheng, W. Pan, X. Zeng, J. Dong, S. Cui, and Y. Feng, “Relative intensity noise comparison of fiber laser and amplified spontaneous emission sources,” Opt. Fiber Technol. 54, 102119 (2020).
- J. Dong, X. Zeng, S. Cui, J. Zhou, and Y. Feng, “More than 20 W fiber-based continuous-wave single frequency laser at 780 nm,” Opt. Express 27(24), 35362 (2019).
- J. Zhou, W. Pan, X. Fu, L. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Environmentally-stable 50-fs pulse generation directly from an Er:fiber oscillator,” Opt. Fiber Technol. 52, 101963 (2019).
- T. Fan, X. Yang, J. Dong, L. Zhang, S. Cui, J. Qian, R. Dong, K. Deng, T. Zhou, K. Wei, Y. Feng, and W. Chen, “Remote Magnetometry With Mesospheric Sodium Based on Gated Photon Counting,” J. Geophys. Res. Sp. Phys. 124(9), 7505–7512 (2019).
- W. Pan, J. Zhou, L. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Raman dissipative soliton fiber laser mode locked by a nonlinear optical loop mirror,” Opt. Express 27(13), 17905 (2019).
- J. Dong, L. Zhang, J. Zhou, W. Pan, X. Gu, and Y. Feng, “More than 200 W random Raman fiber laser with ultra-short cavity length based on phosphosilicate fiber,” Opt. Lett. 44, 1801 (2019).
- W. Pan, J. Zhou, L. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Rectangular Pulse Generation from a Mode Locked Raman Fiber Laser,” J. Light. Technol. 37, 1333–1337 (2019).
- S. Cui, L. Zhang, H. Jiang, W. Pan, X. Yang, G. Qin, and Y. Feng, “High efficiency frequency doubling with a passive enhancement cavity,” Laser Phys. Lett. 16, 035105 (2019).
- X. Yang, O. Kitzler, D. J. Spence, R. J. Williams, Z. Bai, S. Sarang, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, and R. P. Mildren, “Single-frequency 620 nm diamond laser at high power, stabilized via harmonic self-suppression and spatial-hole-burning-free gain,” Opt. Lett. 44, 839 (2019).
- C. Yao, Z. Jia, Z. Li, S. Jia, Z. Zhao, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, “High-power mid-infrared supercontinuum laser source using fluorotellurite fiber,” Optica 5, 1264 (2018).
- J. Qian, L. Zhang, H. Jiang, S. Cui, J. Zhou, and Y. Feng, “2 W single-frequency, low-noise 509 nm laser via single-pass frequency doubling of an ECDL-seeded Yb fiber amplifier,” Appl. Opt. 57, 8733 (2018).
- X. Yang, L. Zhang, X. Zhu, and Y. Feng, “Wavelength-tunable, dual-wavelength Q-switched Ho3+-doped ZBLAN fiber laser at 1.2 µm,” Appl. Phys. B 124, 198 (2018).
- L. Zhang, J. Dong, and Y. Feng, “High-Power and High-Order Random Raman Fiber Lasers,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 24, 1–6 (2018).
- W. Pan, L. Zhang, H. Jiang, X. Yang, S. Cui, Y. Feng, “Ultrafast Raman fiber Laser with Random Distributed Feedback,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 2018, 12, 1700326.
- Qing Zhao, Weiwei Pan, Xianglong Zeng, and Yan Feng, “Partially coherent noise-like pulse generation in amplified spontaneous Raman emission,” Appl. Opt. 57, 2282-2286 (2018).
- Jinyan Dong, Lei Zhang, Huawei Jiang, Xuezong Yang, Weiwei Pan, Shuzhen Cui, Xijia Gu, and Yan Feng, “High order cascaded Raman random fiber laser with high spectral purity,” Opt. Express 26, 5275-5280 (2018)
- Jiaqi Zhou, Weiwei Pan, Xijia Gu, Lei Zhang, and Yan Feng, “Dissipative-soliton generation with nonlinear-polarization-evolution in a polarization maintaining fiber,” Opt. Express 26, 4166-4171 (2018)
- S. J. Jia, Z. X. Jia, C. F. Yao, S. B. Wang, H. W. Jiang, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, G. S. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. P. Qin, “Ho 3+ doped fluoroaluminate glass fibers for 2.9 µ m lasing,” Laser Phys. 28, 15802 (2018).
- S. Jia, Z. Jia, C. Yao, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, “2875 nm Lasing From Ho 3+ -Doped Fluoroindate Glass Fibers,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 30, 323–326 (2018).
- Tingwei Fan, Lei Zhang, Xuezong Yang, Shuzhen Cui, Tianhua Zhou, and Yan Feng, “Magnetometry using fluorescence of sodium vapor,” Opt. Lett. 43, 1-4 (2018)
- Yan Feng, ed. “Raman Fiber Lasers,” Springer, 2017.
- Weiwei Pan, Lei Zhang, Jiaqi Zhou, Xuezong Yang, and Yan Feng, “Raman dissipative soliton fiber laser pumped by an ASE source,” Opt. Lett. 42, 5162-5165 (2017)
- Xuezong Yang, Lei Zhang, Shuzhen Cui, Tingwei Fan, Jinyan Dong, and Yan Feng, “Sodium guide star laser pulsed at Larmor frequency,” Opt. Lett. 42, 4351-4354 (2017)
- Ruchen Zhao, Xiaohu Fu, Lei Zhang, Su Fang, Jianfang Sun, Yan Feng, Zhen Xu, and Yuzhu Wang, “High-power continuous-wave narrow-linewidth 253.7 nm deep-ultraviolet laser,” Appl. Opt. 56, 8973-8977 (2017)
- S. Cui, L. Zhang, H. Jiang, and Y. Feng, “33 W continuous-wave single-frequency green laser by frequency doubling of a single-mode YDFA,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 15, 041402 (2017).
- L. Zhang, H. Jiang, X. Yang, W. Pan, S. Cui, and Y. Feng, “Nearly-octave wavelength tuning of a continuous wave fiber laser,” Sci. Rep. 7, 42611 (2017).
- S. Fu, W. Shi, Y. Feng, L. Zhang, Z. Yang, S. Xu, X. Zhu, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, “Review of recent progress on single-frequency fiber lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, A49 (2017).
- V. R. Supradeepa, Y. Feng, and J. W. Nicholson, “Raman fiber lasers,” J. Opt. 19, 23001 (2017).
- N. Li, F. Wang, C. Yao, Z. Jia, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, M. Hu, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, “Coherent supercontinuum generation from 1.4 to 4 μ m in a tapered fluorotellurite microstructured fiber pumped by a 1980 nm femtosecond fiber laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 61102 (2017).
- L. Zhang, H. Jiang, X. Yang, X. Gu, and Y. Feng, “High-Power Single-Frequency 1336 nm Raman Fiber Amplifier,” J. Light. Technol. 34, 4907–4911 (2016).
- X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, X. Zhu, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, “Mode-Locked Ho3+-Doped ZBLAN Fiber Laser at 1.2 μm,” J. Light. Technol. 34, 4266-4270 (2016).
- P.-L. Luo, J.-L. Peng, J. Hu, Y. Feng, L.-B. Wang, and J.-T. Shy, “Precision frequency measurements of 3,4He 23P→33D transitions at 588 nm,” Phys. Rev. A 94, 062507 (2016).
- H. Jiang, L. Zhang, X. Yang, T. Yu, and Y. Feng, “Pulsed amplified spontaneous Raman emission at 2.2 μm in silica-based fiber,” Appl. Phys. B 122, 74 (2016).
- N. Li, M. Y. Liu, X. J. Gao, L. Zhang, Z. X. Jia, Y. Feng, Y. Ohishi, G. S. Qin, and W. P. Qin, “All-fiber widely tunable mode-locked thulium-doped laser using a curvature multimode interference filter,” Laser Phys. Lett. 13, 75103 (2016).
- C. Yao, Z. Jia, C. He, S. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, Y. Ohishi, G. Qin, and W. Qin, “2.074 μm- Lasing From Ho 3+ -Doped Fluorotellurite Microstructured Fibers Pumped by a 1120-nm Laser,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 28, 1084–1087 (2016).
- T. Fan, T. Zhou, and Y. Feng, “Improving sodium laser guide star brightness by polarization switching.,” Sci. Rep. 6, 19859 (2016).
- L. Zhang, H. Jiang, X. Yang, W. Pan, and Y. Feng, “Ultra-wide wavelength tuning of a cascaded Raman random fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 41, 215 (2016).
- J. Hu, L. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Widely Tunable Single-Mode Yb-Doped All-Fiber Master Oscillator Power Amplifier,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 27, 2559–2562 (2015).
- X. Yang, L. Zhang, H. Jiang, T. Fan, and Y. Feng, “Actively mode-locked Raman fiber laser,” Opt. Express 23, 19831 (2015).
- H. Jiang, L. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Silica-based fiber Raman laser at > 2.4 μm,” Opt. Lett. 40, 3249 (2015).
- H. Jiang, L. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Cascaded-cladding-pumped cascaded Raman fiber amplifier,” Opt. Express 23, 13947 (2015).
- P.-L. Luo, J. Hu, Y. Feng, L.-B. Wang, and J.-T. Shy, “Doppler-free intermodulated fluorescence spectroscopy of 4He 23P–31,3D transitions at 588 nm with a 1-W compact laser system,” Appl. Phys. B (2015).
- J.-H. Wang, J.-M. Hu, S.-Q. Zhang, L.-L. Chen, Y. Fang, Y. Feng, and Z. Li, “Tandem-pumped 1120-nm actively Q-switched fiber laser,” Chinese Phys. B 24, 024214 (2015).
- Z. Kang, X. Gao, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, G. Qin, and W. Qin, “Passively mode-locked fiber lasers at 1039 and 1560 nm based on a common gold nanorod saturable absorber,” Opt. Mater. Express 5, 794 (2015).
Invited Talks:
- Y. Feng, “High Power Raman Fiber Lasers: Recent Progress (invited),” in Frontiers in Optics 2015 (OSA, 2015), p. FTh2F.1.
- Yan Feng, ” High power single frequency Raman fiber amplifiers (invited),” CLEO PR, 25A1-2, August 2015, Busan, Korea.
- Xuezong Yang, Lei Zhang, and Yan Feng, “Actively Mode Locked Raman Fiber Laser (invited),” LPHYS’15, August 2015, Shanghai.
- Y. Feng, L. Zhang, and H. Jiang, “Power scaling of Raman fiber lasers (invited),” in SPIE LASE, L. B. Shaw, ed. (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015), p. 93440U.
- L. Zhang, H. Jiang, S. Cui, J. Hu, and Y. Feng, “Versatile Raman fiber laser for sodium laser guide star,” Laser Photon. Rev. 8, 889–895 (2014).
- J. Zhou, B. He, Y. Feng, and X. Gu, “High efficiency single-mode-multimode-single-mode fiber laser with diffraction-limited beam output,” Appl. Opt. 53, 5554 (2014).
- L. Zhang, C. Liu, H. Jiang, Y. Qi, B. He, J. Zhou, X. Gu, and Y. Feng, “Kilowatt Ytterbium-Raman fiber laser,” Opt. Express 22, 18483 (2014).
- J. Hu, L. Zhang, H. Liu, K. Liu, Z. Xu, and Y. Feng, “High-power single-frequency 10148 nm Yb-doped fiber amplifier working at room temperature,” Appl. Opt. 53, 4972 (2014).
- L. Zhang, J. Zhou, Z. Wang, X. Gu, and Y. Feng, “SESAM mode-locked, environmentally stable, and compact dissipative soliton fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 26, 1–1 (2014).
- Z. Kang, Q. Li, X. J. Gao, L. Zhang, Z. X. Jia, Y. Feng, G. S. Qin, and W. P. Qin, “Gold nanorod saturable absorber for passive mode-locking at 1 μm wavelength,” Laser Phys. Lett. 11, 035102 (2014).
- Lei Zhang, Huawei Jiang, Shuzhen Cui, and Yan Feng, “Integrated ytterbium-Raman fiber amplifier,” Opt. Lett. 39, 1933-1936 (2014) .
- Jinmeng Hu, Lei Zhang, Hongli Liu, Kangkang Liu, Zhen Xu, and Yan Feng, “High power room temperature 1014.8 nm Yb fiber amplifier and frequency quadrupling to 253.7 nm for laser cooling of mercury atoms,” Opt. Express 21, 30958-30963 (2013)
- Ruosong Wang, Xiangwei Meng, Feixiang Yin, Yan Feng, Guanshi Qin, and Weiping Qin, “Heavily erbium-doped low-hydroxyl fluorotellurite glasses for 2.7 μm laser applications,” Opt. Mater. Express 3, 1127-1136 (2013)
- Z. Kang, Y. Xu, L. Zhang, Z. Jia, L. Liu, D. Zhao, Y. Feng, G. Qin, and W. Qin, “Passively mode-locking induced by gold nanorods in erbium-doped fiber lasers,” Applied Physics Letters 103, 041105 (2013).
- Lei Zhang, A. R. El-Damak, Yan Feng, and Xijia Gu, “Experimental and numerical studies of mode-locked fiber laser with large normal and anomalous dispersion,” Opt. Express 21, 12014-12021 (2013)
- L. Zhang, Y. Feng, and X. Gu, “Wavelength-Switchable Dissipative Soliton Fiber Laser With a Chirped Fiber Grating Stop-Band Filter,” IEEE Photonics J. 5, 1500506-1500506 (2013).
- Lei Zhang, Ye Yuan, Yanhua Liu, Jianhua Wang, Jinmeng Hu, Xinjie Lu, Yan Feng, and Shining Zhu, “589 nm laser generation by frequency doubling of a single-frequency Raman fiber amplifier in PPSLT,” Appl. Opt. 52, 1636-1640 (2013).
- Lei Zhang, Shuzhen Cui, Chi Liu, Jun Zhou, and Yan Feng, “170 W, single-frequency, single-mode, linearly-polarized, Yb-doped all-fiber amplifier,” Opt. Express 21, 5456-5462 (2013).
- Jianhua Wang, Shuzhen Cui, Lei Si, Jinbao Chen, and Yan Feng, “All-fiber single-mode actively Q-switched laser at 1120 nm,” Opt. Express 21, 289-294 (2013).
- Ye Yuan, Lei Zhang, YanHua Liu, XinJie Lü, Gang Zhao, Yan Feng and ShiNing Zhu, “Sodium guide star laser generation by single-pass frequency doubling in a periodically poled near-stoichiometric LiTaO3 crystal,” Sci China Tech Sci, 56, 125-128 (2013).
- Jianhua Wang, Jinmeng Hu, Lei Zhang, Xijia Gu, Jinbao Chen, and Yan Feng, “A 100 W all-fiber linearly-polarized Yb-doped single-mode fiber laser at 1120 nm,” Opt. Express 20, 28373-28378 (2012).
- Jianhua Wang, Jinmeng Hu, Lei Zhang, Jinbao Chen and Yan Feng, “Single-mode linearly polarized high power fiber laser at 1120 nm“, Proc. SPIE 8551, High-Power Lasers and Applications VI, 85510B (November 29, 2012).
- Lei Zhang, Jinmen Hu, Jianhua Wang, and Yan Feng, “Stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-suppressed high power single frequency polarization maintaining Raman fiber amplifier with longitudinally varied strain for laser guide star,” Opt. Lett. 37, 4796-4798 (2012).
- Lei Zhang, Gaozhong Wang, Jinmeng Hu, Jianhua Wang, Jintai Fan, Jun Wang, and Yan Feng, “Linearly polarized 1180 nm Raman fiber laser mode-locked by graphene“, Photonics Journal, IEEE 4, 1809-1815 (2012).
- Lei Zhang, Jinmeng Hu, Jianhua Wang, Yan Feng, “Tunable all-fiber dissipative-soliton laser with a multimode interference filter“, Opt. Lett. 37, 3828-3830 (2012) .
- Jianhua Wang, Gui Chen, Lei Zhang, Jinmeng Hu, Jinyan Li, Bing He, Jinbao Chen, Xijia Gu, Jun Zhou, and Yan Feng, “High-Efficiency fiber laser at 1018 nm using Yb-doped phosphosilicate fiber“, Appl. Opt. 51, 7130-7133 (2012).
- L Zhang, J T Fan, J H Wang, J M Hu, M Lotya, G Z Wang, R H Li, W J Blau, J N Coleman, J Wang, and Y Feng, “Graphene incorporated Q-switching of a polarization-maintaining Yb-doped fiber laser,” Laser Phys Lett 9, 888 (2012).
- Jianhua Wang, Lei Zhang, Jinmeng Hu, Lei Si, Jinbao Chen, Xijia Gu, and Yan Feng, “Efficient linearly polarized ytterbium-doped fiber laser at 1120 nm,” Appl. Opt. 51, 3801-3803 (2012).
- H. Tünnermann, Y. Feng, J. Neumann, D. Kracht, and P. Weßels, “All-fiber coherent beam combining with phase stabilization via differential pump power control,” Opt. Lett. 37, 1202-1204 (2012).
- Lei Zhang, Jianhua Wang, Xijia Gu, Yan Feng, “A linearly-polarized tunable Yb-doped fiber laser using a polarization dependent fiber loop mirror“, Opt. Comm., 285, 2410-2413 (2012).
- Jianhua Wang, Lei Zhang, Jun Zhou, Lei Si, Jinbao Chen, and Yan Feng, “High power linearly polarized Raman fiber laser at 1120 nm,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 10, 021406- (2012).
- L. Zhang, J. H. Wang, X. J.
Gu and Y. Feng, “Highly polarized Yb-doped fiber laser based on a polarization-maintaining fiber Sagnac loop mirror and its power amplification“, Proc. SPIE 8198, 81980M (2011)
Representive publications by Yan Feng before 2010
- Luke Taylor, Yan Feng, and Domenico Bonaccini Calia, “50W CW visible laser source at 589nm obtained via frequency doubling of three coherently combined narrow-band Raman fibre amplifiers,” Opt. Express 18, 8540-8555 (2010).
- Yan Feng, Luke R. Taylor, and Domenico Bonaccini Calia, “150 W highly-efficient Raman fiber laser,” Opt. Express 17, 23678-23683 (2009) .
- Yan Feng, Luke R. Taylor, Domenico Bonaccini Calia, Ronald Holzlöhner, and Wolfgang Hackenberg, “39 W narrow linewidth Raman fiber amplifier with frequency doubling to 26.5 W at 589 nm,” postdeadline paper, PDPA4, Frontier in Optics 2009, San Diego, California, US.
- Yan Feng, Luke R. Taylor, and Domenico Bonaccini Calia, “25 W Raman-fiber-amplifier-based 589 nm laser for laser guide star,” Opt. Express 17, 19021-19026 (2009).
- Luke Taylor, Yan Feng, and Domenico Bonaccini Calia, “High power narrowband 589nm frequency doubled fibre laser source,” Opt. Express 17, 14687-14693 (2009).
- Yan Feng, Luke Taylor, and Domenico Bonaccini Calia, “Multiwatts narrow linewidth fiber Raman amplifiers,” Opt. Express 16, 10927-10932 (2008).
- Yan Feng and Ken-ichi Ueda, Self-pulsed fiber Raman master oscillator power amplifiers, Opt. Express 13, 2611-2616 (2005).
- Yan Feng, Shenghong Huang, Guanshi Qin, Mitsuru Musha, and Ken-ichi Ueda, Random microchip laser, Opt. Express 13, 121-126 (2005).
- Yan Feng and Ken-ichi Ueda, Random stack of resonant dielectric layers as a laser system, Opt. Express 12, 3307-3312 (2004).
- Yan Feng, Shenghong Huang, Akira Shirakawa, and Ken-ichi Ueda, Multiple-color cw visible lasers by frequency sum-mixing in a cascading Raman fiber laser, Opt. Exp. Vol. 12, No. 9, 1843-1847 (2004).
- Yan Feng, Shenghong Huang, Akira Shirakawa, and Ken-ichi Ueda, 589nm light source based on Raman fiber laser, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.43, No.6A, L722-L724, (2004).
- Yan Feng, Jianren Lu, Kazunori Takaichi, Ken-ichi Ueda, Hideki Yagi, Takagimi Yanagitani, and Alexander A. Kaminskii, Passively Q-switched ceramic Nd3+:YAG/Cr4+:YAG lasers, Appl. Opt., Vol.43, No.14, 2944-2947 (2004).
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